Professionals Corner - Adam Faulkner
Posted on 17th April 2015

After having competed at two Olympic Games and getting a Commonwealth
Games medal, the simplest path for me would have been to go into high
level performance coaching, or so you would have thought!
My journey to starting up swim schools was put on hold since my swimming
career ended as I followed my childhood dream and joined the military as
RAF Aircrew flying transport aircraft in and out of war zones for over 9
I wanted then to go back in to the grass roots of swimming and left the
RAF in 2014 to set out with starting a Swim School. Only 10 months on we
have nearly 400 children that we teach each week, two Swim Schools
either side of Swindon and have recently expanded to our own private
swimming pool in its own grounds where we have started lessons for
With running our own pool I figured before even opening our doors that
the worst thing that could happen to us could be a closure of the pool
due to a leaking nappy! Thats where I came to learn about Splash About
and the 'Happy Nappy' system offered. Due to the reputation of the brand
and consistently fantastic reviews they are now our sole choice for
babies and toddlers that require a 'Swim Nappy' whist in our lessons.
Many of our parents were already aware of the concept of the 'Happy
Nappy' for swimming lessons but those that were not have been full of
praise for the system and we have now made it compulsory for those
needing nappies to adopt this principle.
I can't thank the guys at Splash About enough for their time and energy
in educating us about their fantastic products and we look forward to
using you as our providers for many years to come.
Adam Faulkner
Double Olympic Swimmer & Commonwealth Games Medalist
Director of UK Swim Academy, Wanborough Swim School, Cricklade Swim
School & World Class Swim Camps
07730 565382